
Tuesday, 21 July 2020


Sugar - Healthier. Happier.
Sugar is a sucrose that is made from sugar canes, first they  extract the juices from sugar canes and then they perifie and filter it. When this is done you'll get raw sugar, the types of sugar that we learnt about today were new.  The types of sugars we learnt were raw sugar, brown sugar, white sugar, nector, honey suckle, sugar cane, icing sugar, sugar powder, caramel, maple syrup, honey, and plain sugar.
The fun and interesting facts about sugar was that the avarage men in nz eat about 98g of sugar, while the estimated sugar that we're only meant to eat is about 6-8 grams. 
Also did you know that honey is healthy only if you eat like a t-spoon. If you walk into a diary and you see stuff like chips, chocolate, and bars, check the labels behind the packet because of the food and juck are uselay about 25-30 grams of sugar.